I Love Social Media But Damn I Missed That Stage!

Finally! We are back in the clubs, restaurants, bars, bathrooms, living rooms and wherever the hell comedy was done pre-Covid!

It was a tough 2020 for us all. When Covid hit and comedy ended, us funny folks truly took a beating. Stand up comedy was, for some of us, our livelihood. It put food on the table and a roof over our heads. A second income for some and a simple escape from reality for others. Basically, us comics died a slow death in 2020.

For knuckleheads like myself it was a time of growth. What I lost in gigs I gained in social media audience. The bookers stopped calling. The second income dried up BUT I did have a back up plan.

Time To Rethink My Hustle

My social media was OK…alright, it was nonexistent. I didn’t post as much as I should and I didn’t really have a straight up focus. But very soon I would pick up the pace – in a big way. In 2018, on the advice of my then 10 year old niece, I joined Tik Tok. I didn’t want to but she was really convincing. I hated it. I wasn’t a fan of short-form videos so it bored me and I let it collect dust.

Fast forward to February 2020. My shows are being cancelled left and right and I’m stuck in the house with my thumb up my ass. Not really up my ass but you get the point. I notice that Tik Tok is everywhere and I decide to get back on. My plan is simple – jump on now so I can catch the wave and grow before they get too big. The problem is when they get too big they suddenly forget who got them there.

When social media sites become popular, they become assholes

Here’s their simple strategy. You join Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. when they’re new and they give you the world. They promote everything you post and show it to everyone on that app. This means that it’s very easy to gain followers and notoriety. You’re flying high and because of that so are they. Now you’re an influencer and they are the hottest app around. Then they change. Suddenly they don’t need you guys the way they used to. Of course, some influencers will continue to fly possibly because they’re grandfathered in but for the rest – what have you done for me lately? They scale back the love and if they get popular enough they can monetize and charge creators to get the reach they once got for nothing. They call it the “algorithm changing.” I call it “sucks to be you – we good now.”

I’m an Influencer!

Anywho, I jumped on Tik Tok and though it was a slow start, I found my “thing.” I’m a comedian and here was a platform for it to be shown. Joke after joke my audience grew and my account gained recognition. By May of 2020 I had over 100k followers. It was incredible! My first taste of the influencer life! I had millions of views, gig offers and some brand deals. The other thing is once you go viral on one app people tend to follow you everywhere! So my Youtube and Instagram also grew. Did I mention I opened an online store and that started popping as well? Life was good.

Now, reality has set in and my views/followers has slowed down again. I’m cool with that. I’m not with the rat race, but I do enjoy creating content…actually more than stand up comedy. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing like rocking the mic and seeing the fruits of your labor in front of a live audience. There’s also nothing like writing skits that get the same reaction virtually (and just as quick). Where my social media has taken a hit, the comedy clubs have reopened and it’s time to relight THAT spark.

So follow me HERE and on Tik Tok, Instagram, Youtube and anywhere else I can’t remember (just Google my name, lol) and wild out the rest of summer 2021 and after. Also, feel free to check upcoming SHOWS page and come through and support! Or simply, catch me online and say hey or buy something from JerroldBMerch.com. I appreciate each and every one of you guys. As long as you continue showing love I’ll continue to make you laugh!

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Jerrold Benford

Jerrold Benford is currently establishing himself as a fixture on the eastern comedy circuit. Born and raised in Virginia, Jerrold began his career in New Jersey, where he quickly made a name for himself and performed at the New Jersey and New York’s finest clubs including: Rascals, Broadway Comedy Club, New York Comedy Club, Stand Up NY, Gotham Comedy Club, and the renowned Caroline’s on Broadway.Jerrold continues to perfect his craft. Within two years of his stand-up debut, he has featured and headlined clubs, colleges, and private functions all over the tri-state area.