On Thursday February 26th, it goes down at Bergen Community College in The Ciccone Theater!! New York and New Jersey’s funniest hit the stage and tear it down. The show will open its doors at 6:30pm and the show will begin promptly at 7:30pm. The show is FREE and the theater will be filled to capacity! Come early and guarantee your seat. The most hilarious up-and-coming comics will bring it to you raw and in person.
Each comic is a professional comic that has work in the tri-state area and abroad. This is a clean show and open to the public.
Your host for the evening will be Jerrold Benford, featuring talented Jersey comics Henry Cummings (henrycummings.com) and Gordon Baker-Bone (@bakerbone), and headliner Seymour Swan (@2laff)!!!
Contact Black History Month Chairman
Ronald McKnight @ 201-301-1695
The Ciccone Theatre