Being a comedian is hard work. Insanely hard. I MEAN INSANELY HARD. I know, I just bombed the other night. But who gives a shit, it’s part of the game. as comics, we deal with every adversity imaginable. From bookers that bullshit with us and don’t wanna pay when the show goes bust to weird scenarios like performing in front of an Indian family with ur shoes off (their rules) in their living room while the smell of curry makes u throw up in ur mouth, we deal with it all. Hell I remember doing a show at a restaurant where no one showed up and my comedy compatriots did an hour and change to ONE GUY who was simply having dinner, lol.

So now, I’ve established that comedy is difficult and the situations we end up in can be annoying. But it doesn’t mean u have to be a certified asshole. And trust me, like u, I’ve met some award winning assholes in comedy. Don’t get me wrong, some situations allow for asshole behavior. Not getting paid because people didn’t show up, open mics that allow “line-cutting” because their part of the clique or friends, or simply that person’s real life shit has ruined their night. Understood. That’s not what I’m talking about. I talking about the pure, unadulterated, bastard-ass assholes that think the sun rises and shines for them.

We’ve all worked with’em. They have attitudes as soon as u see’em or some don’t even speak at all. They’re antisocial or real “dicky” when u speak to’em. Lemme tell u something, I don’t give a fuck about u or ur momma. All I ask for is a little respect and common courtesy. A simple hello goes a long way. A five minute conversation with a fellow comic makes their day. Especially if your a name brand comic or local pro, being nice can do a lot for u that u don’t even realize.

I’ve learned that being civil with other people can lead to more gigs! Wow, it’s that simple?? Yep. I don’t care how funny u r, if ur an asshole, u will lose opportunities due to ur assholedness. I know. I’ve been asked to refer comics to bookers and promoters and never, and I do mean NEVER, would I ever refer a comic that I think is an asshole. Why would I lift a finger for that bastard?? Usually those types of assholes would never lift a finger for u. They’re not calling u for shows, sketch work or anything. The only time you’ll here from them is when they need another gig. So fuckem.

Now exhale…assholes piss me off, LMAO! What have we learned today? Be humble and give back what you’d ultimately like to get outta this game! Don’t be an ASSHOLE, ASSHOLES!!

So that’s it. Check the vid and let’s keep this ball rolling! Like my posts and click HERE to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel!!!

I’m Out!!

Jerrold Benford

Jerrold Benford is currently establishing himself as a fixture on the eastern comedy circuit. Born and raised in Virginia, Jerrold began his career in New Jersey, where he quickly made a name for himself and performed at the New Jersey and New York’s finest clubs including: Rascals, Broadway Comedy Club, New York Comedy Club, Stand Up NY, Gotham Comedy Club, and the renowned Caroline’s on Broadway.Jerrold continues to perfect his craft. Within two years of his stand-up debut, he has featured and headlined clubs, colleges, and private functions all over the tri-state area.